High-strength container (or belt) made by the stripwinding technique. The inner core of the container is of hardened tool steel, and the steel strip material can withstand up to 200° C. The outer steel ring is assembled to the stripwound section by 2-component epoxy glue or heat shrinkage.
The STRECON container has about 40-50% additional strength compared to a standard multi-ring system and offers a unique capability to optimize the radial prestressing of the carbide die (for example by 1,2%) while remaining itself in a fully elastic state. This unique product feature offers two important merits: Higher service life of the carbide die, and a prestressing tool (i.e. stripwound container) that can be reused numerous times at full capacity. Specific calculations are required in each case.
The STRECON container can also be applied for prestressing of the carbide anvils, and is normally integrated into the overall anvil housing and cooling system.
The STRECON container designed for the belt type system is used for industrial manufacturing of various HPS applications including grits and polycrystalline products up to 80 KBar pressure level.
Maximum diameter of the STRECON container is up to ø2000 mm but is typically designed up to ø1600 mm.
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