Wear Ring & Cooling Ring

These two ring products are assembled into the STRECON container by press fitting. The rings are made of hardened tool steel and precision machined with small tolerances.

The wear ring is assembled into the STRECON container and faces the ID of the stripwound container. The wear ring takes part in the overall prestressing of the carbide die while protecting the stripwound container in case of disruptive behavior during the HPS process.

The cooling ring is pre-assembled to the carbide die by heat shrinkage or press fitting, and then assembled into the STRECON container by press fitting. The interference level is typically set to 1,1 – 1,2% but could be higher if needed. The OD of the cooling ring will be facing the ID of the wear ring. The cooling ring can be designed with vertical cooling channels which provides an even distribution of the cooling water to the OD of the carbide die while serving as a protective cooling bridge to the STRECON container.

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Wear ring and cooling ring for the belt type die container
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STRECON Container for the Belt Type System made by the stripwinding technique

Container for the Belt Type System

Cooling steel plates to be assembled on the top and bottom side of the STRECON container by prestressing

Cooling System

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Tool Alignment System (ALS)

STRECON Complete Belt-Type Tool System specifically designed for R&D activities

Complete Belt Type System for R&D

STRECON prestressing tool for the Toroid HPS system

STRECON Container for the Toroid System

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